Friday, April 22, 2005

the LighT of my Life?

hi has been really awhile since e last time i write up by has been busy for me. tied up at work.getting older by the second and becoming tired easily by the minute.wats happening?

i am lost. lost in my own world. seriously. i am behaving more zombie-like by the day. i quite enjoy my work cuz my job is flexible. the nature of my job is an area which is totally unfamiliar to me, but i am quite glad that i do learn new things everyday. i am glad i have good company at work though there are alot of gossipers, backstabbers, or even nonsensical people. well,its inevitable, these minority of people exists in almost every work place. well, these people better not offend me though :P

well....i am feeling really restless every single day. wats happening? waiting game has been too long til i am behaving like that? have i lost the interest in the waiting game? or ... i am finally going to face music ? i dunno...can anione please brighten up my life? gosh.....

1 comment:

missveg said...

hey girl.. noone is there to brighten up ur life... if u are tired, move on.. really. as for the waiting game.. its not a game my dear.. its rather a reality.. of whether eventually he will still be the one. time really flies.. and the next moment u know it.. u are going to face Kor soon.. so, make up ur mind ok.. dun tink too much, and whenever theres time, really rest ur body and mind well. hey! try hot yoga.. it works! dun be too restless and take care.. hope to meet u soon